Second Confirmed Talk: Automatic Code Generation

António Lourenço is going to talk about Automatic Code Generation. The advantages and challenges

Check the event

We are tuning the last logistics steps and very soon we post the registration link. The registration is optional, although very recommend.


Most important to allow to communicate with the attendees and keep them up to date regarding the event location, travel considerations, etc. Registration also allow us to keep in mind the auditorium availability, in order to ensure that every one have a seat.

Important notes

If you intend to use your laptop during the session, remember to have full battery. There are no available sockets to everyone.

Regarding the Internet connectivity, we are working to provide internet access but that may no be possible. There is available the “eduroam” network, so if you have a account through your college (or colleague :P)  it will also work in ISCTE campus.

See you soon.