Last Monday (May 22th), students of Web Applications and Usability course (Postgraduate Program of Informatics Applied to Organizations – ISCTE-IUL) presented one of the projects consisting of developing an organizational website. Students were encouraged to develop the project using WordPress. Prof. Manuela Aparicio supported the students in WordPress customization. In the course, students also learned Javascript, CSS, PHP, and Mysql, allowing them to create a small plug-in. They also used UX and usability concepts and techniques in the process of development and evaluation of the website.
The students were organized in the following working groups (or teams):
- Team 1: Fátima Tomé, Pedro Dias, Pedro Calado, Patricia Nobrega
- Team 2: Miguel Afonso, Fabio Damil
- Team 3: Ana Massano, Sérgio Aires
- Team 4: Cátia Henriques, Ângela Freixo, Catarina Canteiro, André Mendes
- Team 5: Carla Silva, Ana Sofia Graça, Cláudia Souza
- Team 6: Diana Teixeira, Melissa Garcia, Sandra Ricardo
- Team 7: Volodymyr Mykhayliv, João Sardinha, Rafael Moisés, André Bolila
- Team 8: Olena Mandzyuk,Nuno Mendes, Brenardo Pereira
- Team 9: Maria Nunes, Cláudia Ferreira