FISTA 2024

On February 28-29, 2024, the ISCTE-IUL ACM Student Chapter was, once again, present on the yearly FISTA Forum.

FISTA is the yearly networking forum organized by ISTA – Escola de Tecnologias e Arquitetura (School of Technologies and Architecture), which takes place across two days in the campus of it’s home university, ISCTE-IUL, rounding 88 corporations of different sizes, such as Deloitte, Vodafone, CGI, and KPMG, alongside activities organized by the institution, such as workshops on technologies, CTF challenges, and architecture conferences.

On it’s 11th edition, the ACM Student Chapter used this opportunity to expose it’s activities to it’s visitors, from ongoing to finished projects, as well as future plans, and to raise applications for the chapter from the interested alumni, raising 30 applications across both days.

Advanced Computer Architecture for Exascale Computing: The AMD Research Perspective

Date: December, 11 2017 2:30pm
Place: ISCTE-IUL Room: J.J. Laginha Auditorium

Sponsor: ISTAR Lab, IUL

The need for ever more powerful supercomputers does not appear to be slowing down, but the challenges to push computing to exaFLOP levels and beyond are becoming increasingly difficult. Targets for computing throughput, memory capacity, memory bandwidth, power efficiency, reliability, and cost make the construction of an Exascale machine to be a significant challenge. In this talk, I will first present an overview of current AMD technologies, and then I will describe one possible vision for a processor architecture that can be used to construct Exascale systems. We describe a conceptual Exascale Node Architecture (ENA), which is a computational building block for an Exascale supercomputer. The ENA consists of an Exascale Heterogeneous Processor (EHP) coupled with an advanced memory system. The conceptual EHP provides a high-performance accelerated processing unit (CPU+GPU), in-package high-bandwidth 3D memory, and aggressive use of die-stacking and chiplet technologies to meet the requirements for Exascale computing in a balanced manner. In addition to detailing our approach, I will also discuss some of the remaining open research challenges for the community.

Gabriel H. Loh is a Fellow Design Engineer in AMD Research, the research and advanced development lab for Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Gabe received his Ph.D. and M.S. in computer science from Yale University in 2002 and 1999, respectively, and his B.Eng. in electrical engineering from the Cooper Union in 1998. Gabe was also a tenured associate professor in the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology, a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research, and a senior researcher at Intel Corporation. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a Distinguished Scientist of the ACM, Hall of Fame member for the MICRO, ISCA, and HPCA conferences, (co-)inventor on over ninety US patent applications and fifty granted patents, and a recipient of the US National Science Foundation Young Faculty CAREER Award. His research interests include computer architecture, processor microarchitecture, emerging technologies and 3D die stacking.

European Researchers Night 2017

Last Friday we have been at the European Researchers Night 2017 presenting articles about the advantages of using Gamification and Robotics in programming learning process.

CISTI 2017: ISCTE-IUL ACM Student Chapter participation

The ISCTE-IUL ACM Student Chapter participated in the CISTI 2017, the largest conference in Portuguese and Spanish in the field of Information Technology and Information Systems.

In fact, the student chapter had a stand in the conference place, where Joao Aparicio, Joao Sequeira, Andre Pereira and Antonio Teixeira represented the ACM Student chapter.

ACM student chapter members had a significant scientific participation.  In fact, Fernando Bento, Martinha Piteira, Joao Papricio, Catarina Santos, Sofia Aparicio and Hugo Araujo co-authored several papers presented at the conference. Fernando Bento, Martinha Piteira, Catariana Santos and Hugo Araujo presented papers at the conference.

Workshop Technologies for Healthcare

Last 14th of June, IEEE IMSPT chapter organized Workshop Technologies for Healthcare. The workshop had as main invited speaker Prof. Cristian Gyozo Haba from “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania. Prof. Cristian Gyozo Haba presented his research about Embedded Systems for Ambient Assisted Living.

Our colleague Fernando Bento spoke about Information Systems and Internet of Things, presenting several cases.

Session about Ransomware

Last Friday, May 12, 2017, there was a massive attack that had a profound impact on more than 200,000 systems worldwide, as well as several users who depended on the services offered by affected companies in more than 150 countries, By the computer virus / malware known as WannaCry.

Throughout this presentation, Flávio Shiva discussed the strengths and weaknesses of this ransomware. He also present real cases of companies that were supported after having suffered such problems. Flávio Shiva is a specialist in Information Security, a partner in iBLISS Digital Security and works for EXIN in the global development of Cyber ​​Security certification standards. Professor for more than 5 years and participated and presented in events in Brazil, Portugal, Uruguay, Angola and Canada. 

After Flavio Shiva, Prof. Carlos Serrao, resarcher of ISTAR-IUL, member of OWASP and AP2SI,  presented OWASP resented Guide for “ransomware” Prevention.


Presentation of Undergraduate Research Project Proposals

Several students presented undergraduate research project proposals during research week.

The ACM chair (Joao Aparicio) presented a project related to autonomous driving. Andre Freire presented a project related to computer programming learning.